Higham Coaching Resources

Providing the tools and knowledge to help develop our coaching staff

This page has been put together as a central source of knowledge for coaches.  We endevour to make this page group with more resources added each month and happy to take any feedback in regards to resources you may find useful and wish us to add.

Please do note that it will take a few weeks for this page to fill up with sessions plans.  Currently we are putting together warm-up drills, sessions for each age group, along with fitness and nutrition insights.   This is a public resource so parents are more than welcome to use these plans with their own children to aid in their development, however, we would always suggest talking with you coach before doing so.

Club based video resources

Our new virtual training video library

Warm Up Sessions

Speed Agility & Quickness / PreHab / Strength & Conditioning – Warm Up

Passing Technical – Warm Up

Dribbling Technical – Warm Up

Defending Sessions

Defending Technical & Skill 1v1

Defending Technical & Skill 2v2

Defending Centrally

Defending from the front (2 Strikers / High Pressure)

Defending Unbalanced Technical & Skill 1v2

Defending Unbalanced Technical & Skill 3v3

Defending Phase of Play (defence and midfield)