Re-launching Training at Higham

In-line with Government, League and FA Guidance – Last updated 12/06

Well , go back over 3 months and it looked as if we would be without football for sometime and here we are in the middle of June.   We have been so keen to get things up and running and have kept the club ticking over to ensure when the time comes, we are ready!

We know the players and parents are very keen for things to restart, we have had countless txt and emails on the subject and i hope over the past few months you feel we have kept you in the loop at every stage.

Just under a week ago we got insight into the new rules and guidance coming to grassroots football.  However, at the time it was just draft, a little hearsay and some info from the league.  We took it upon ourselves to wait until we had something more official so that we could do our best for player safety.  We know some clubs have already started and that is really up to them, however we feel this should be given a lot of importance as to its approach.  We don’t want to be the cause of a new wave nor do we want to put anybody in danger.

Tonight (12th June) we had an emergency committee meeting off the back of official guidance coming direct from the FA.  Now that we have all the solid facts, we are keen to get things moving and hence this announcement outlining how we will look to re-launch our training at Lancaster Park.

Key information

  • Training will be done over Saturday and Sunday 8:30 am – 2pm (Starting on 20th)
  • Training will be done in 1 hour slots, 8 groups at the ground per hour maximum (rota)
  • Groups are limited to 1 coach and 5 players
  • The ground will be supervised by two committee members at all time
  • No club equipment will be available or shared.  Equipment supplied and kept by team
  • Toilets will be limited to 1 person (for each gender) at any time and fully cleaned before each training day.
  • Hand washing facilities will be provided along with Anti-bac stations.
  • Entry to the fields will be a one-way system: Players and Coaches only
  • Teams will have 30 minutes turn-around after session to leave the ground before next sessions open up.
  • Cafe will not be open during these initial stages

Key Rules

  • No games or player contact unless for first-aid (by site first-aiders)
  • Players will be kept 2 meters apart during sessions.
  • Players will use a ball each, no sharing balls, equipment or water bottles
  • Parents to do what they can to park away from other cars and not turn up too early so others can leave the ground from the session before.
  • Any players who become symptomatic during the session will be asked to leave and parents of the group informed.
  • Players are not allowed to attend if they or anybody in their household has had symptoms within the 14 days prior.
  • No spitting, chewing gum or food on site.
  • Arrive at the ground fully changed and ready, no changing rooms will be open.
  • Consider if training is a priority if living with anybody vulnerable or if the player has underlying health issues.
  • Parents advised to remain in cars during training
  • Coaches to clean equipment after training

If a player, team or coach is seen to ignore the rules on multiple occasions, they may not be permitted to join training until further notice.

(Youth Teams) Please continue to do your best to help your child recognise what two metres looks and feels like – this could be related to several arm spans or standing jumps for example

General Queries

  • How do we book a slot?

    This can only be done by the coach, all they will need to do is contact our club sec who will note down the slot they wish to have (8 slots per hour).   Please remembers these are special times, we may not be able to get the time/day you really want but i am sure we can rotate as we go forward.  This should only be temporary whilst we find out feet.

    On the day the site will be broken into 8 areas, it will be these areas that each group should keep within to ensure distance.

  • How long will these rules be in place

    At the moment i may feel as is this is a lot to take in, but its really common sense based on all the guidance we have been following for the past three months outside of football.

    We aim to loosen these rules as more guidance is given by the FA.  Some of the rules we have put in place to ensure we do our upmost with regards to safety.  Please do help us by educating your child and working with us to make this work.

    As things change, we will ensure this gets to the coaches as soon as possible.   This may even change week to week as we see how things work for the club, coaches, parents and players.

  • Will more days and times be opened up?

    Because we want to ensure the ground is supervised by at least two senior club members, we have decided to start this at the weekend and then go from there.  We will look to start opening up evenings once we are sure coaches, players and parents can follow the rules.

    If you want more flexibility then it will come down to the behaviour and respect for these rules.

  • We have multiple coaches, can we do a bigger group?

    Easy answer, no.

    We are using the term “group” as 6 people, 1 coach, 5 players in total.  This means that if a team has 10 players, they will need 2 coaches to form 2 groups and train apart.  They will be treated as separate from each other.

  • What is the 30 minute turn around for?

    Due to group size, we are lucky to be able to accommodate lots of people and keep this safe.  That said, we have limited it to just 8 teams per hour spread 4 on one side of the containers and 4 the other.   Total of 48 people training across the ground each hour.

    This helps us limit people at the ground, limit the cars and helps us to police the sessions across two club volunteers.  It also means that everybody can leave safely , allowing for the next 48 people to arrive.

  • Can a coach administer first-aid?

    The key here is to keep the risk of infection low.  Therefore we have decided that there will be a designated first-aider on-site at all times during the training (denoted via hi-vis).  This person will have various protective equipment to ensure the person is dealt with in the best possible way to limit risk.

    Coaches are not to perform first-aid at this time, this could then be spread to another player if incorrect procedure and protection is followed.  Parents of the child, are allowed to assist the player as long as they are away from the group or the group is moved away.  This will be the only time a parent is permitted on the fields.

  • I’m a parent, what should i do to help?

    Firstly, educate your child on these rules and the importance of following them.   We also ask that we limit the amount of people at the ground.  If you wish to stay, then please try to remain in your car.  It is also recommended that only one parent attends the ground to drop and pickup their child.

    Do not come to the ground if you suffer from any underlying health issues or are within a vulnerable category.

  • Who is not permitted at the ground during training

    We hate to push anybody away from our club, but we need to be realistic and keep everybody safe including those we have to restrict.

    If you have any underlying health issues of concern or within the government vulnerable category you should not attend site during these training periods.

    If you or any of your household have had symptoms in the past 14 days prior to training, you are not permitted at the club until you have been isolated for 14 days.

    There will be committee members who will be on-site to help run things and keep it policed.  To limit exposure, these individuals will be : Colin Watts, James Sharp, Carole Watts, Kris Plosky, Stuart Munton. None of which have any underlying health issues nor within a vulnerable category.

  • Do we need to pay subs?

    The last thing we need to worry about at the moment is subs.  Once we get things underway and some normality we will then look to sort out subs and player sign-up.  Do not worry for now, lets get the football going as a priority.