Player Registrations for season 2020/21

Higham Town Football Club

It’s around this time that we would be planning on the next season’s registrations, giving us a real picture of team volumes.  With the current climate, we have needed to adapt as we feel its crucial we try and remain positive and continue operations where possible.   This also helps with player mentality if they can see there is light at the end of the tunnel, football shall return.. its a matter of time.

As you will be aware, our registration process is usually done via set days at Lancaster park to fill out the forms and hand over the fee.  This year, it will be different.   We are currently in the process of building a secure online registration process whereby you will be able to sign up your child to the club and have their space allocated for the next season.   This will be very useful for us at the club and the coaches by way of reassurance that teams will remain and be able to continue once its safe to do so.

At this moment in time, we will not be requesting any payment, we can also assure you all that fees will NOT be increased once we have more details about the league and football in general.

Key information

  • Who can register?

    At the moment we will only be accepting registrations for players who played for Higham last season or have been told they may sign up by the specific team coach.

    Registrations will be rejected for players who are not known to the club or coach for their age group.

  • When will we be able to register

    We aim to open up registrations in Mid June, a date will be provided closer to the time.   We are currently in the process of building the platform and ensure its secure and complies with GDPR.

    Once registration is open,  it will be open for a maximum of 4 weeks so that we can ensure we get an idea of numbers as soon as possible.

  • How much is it?

    Registration will not require any payment at this time.  We can sort out memberships once we know what is happening with the season, its unfair that we request payment without knowing how the season will shape up.  This process is just to safeguard your place.

    What we can assure you is that fee’s will NOT go up from last year, we have been one of the cheapest memberships in the local area for years and with this current situation, we intend to keep subscriptions as affordable as possible for you.

  • What will happen with the data

    The registration will ask all the same questions our normal form requests.   It will all be done via a secure connection and data will be encrypted.  Once in the system, this will be transferred to our club secretary and not kept online for an extended period.   Processes will fully comply with ICO and GDPR standards.

    There will also be access to download the form in PDF, print and post (or scan and email) into our club sec if you wish.

  • What happens if we need to cancel or the season does not happen?

    We would like to think that by the time we get to the season, things will be moving forward.   However, if the season gets cancelled or your circumstances change, you will not be bound into any agreement to remain.   Registration is just so we can get a good idea of numbers and for the players to ensure they have a slot moving forward.

    We would encourage players not to delay and sign up during the registration period to prevent any disappoint later down the line and help us fully understand which teams will be viable.

  • I have a question

    The first port of call would be to contact the coach of your required age group (can be found within our Teams page).   However, you may contact our club secretary Carole on 07950 542 538  or if you prefer.