COVID-19 Visitors, Matchday & Friendlies

In-line with Government, League and FA Guidance – Last updated 02/01/2021

As a central home ground in the local area with multiple pitches, it’s common that friendlies will be very popular at Lancaster Park.   That said, we wish to ensure a safe environment for all our members and those visiting our club.   Football is a key priority for us, but not if it jeopardises safety.

As of the 31st of December, Northamptonshire is now classed as Tier 4.  This has meant we have had to re-adjust our processes to ensure we can keep within the required COVID-19 safeguarding arrangements.   Below are some key factors regarding visiting our site.


  • Friendlies MUST be pre-booked with the club secretary and given authorisation.
  • Friendlies are limited across the pitches at any one time to reduce total numbers at the site.
  • Coaches are provided sanitation equipment to use pre and post-event.
  • Additional sanitation equipment is on-site for visitors and players.
  • Cafe is not currently open, nor are changing rooms.
  • Toilets available on site with a one in one out process per gender.
  • Current government guidelines have authority at all times.
  • Spectating of games is allowed, you must socially distance, scan our track-trace and limit to only 1 parent per player as per the Government Tier 4 rules for organised outdoor sports.

Higham Coaches

  • Coaches to clean equipment used pre and post-event, limit use where possible.
  • Coaches to provide hand sanitiser to all players pre, mid and post-event.
  • Keep a log of each player, coach or helper associated with Higham for track and trace.
  • Social distancing promoted at all times where players do not need to be apposed.
  • Not to share equipment with the other team (other than ball if required).
  • Agrees that all players will come changed ready, no changing facilities will be provided.
  • Agrees to report any player, parent, coach known to them who develops symptoms or is tested positive for COVID-19 after the event.
  • Agrees that no players, parents, coaches, helpers will be used who have any symptoms.
  • No contact of the other team other than sport-related during official game time and within the boundaries of the sport and its rules.
  • Limit non-foot contact with the ball as much as possible.

Visiting Coaches

  • Coaches from the opposition team are responsible to ensure their players and parents adhere to social distancing and current government rules.
  • Coaches to clean equipment used pre and post-event, limit use where possible.
  • Limit non-foot contact with the ball as much as possible.
  • Hand sanitiser to be provided and used by visiting coach or players pre, mid and post-event.
  • Keep a log of every visiting player, coach and/or helper who attended for track and trace.
  • Not to share equipment with the other team (other than ball if required).
  • Agrees that all players will come changed ready, no changing facilities will be provided.
  • Agrees to ensure players, parents, helpers leave the site as promptly as possible after the event.
  • Agrees to report any player, parent or coach known to them who develops symptoms or is tested positive for COVID-19 after the event.
  • No contact of the other team other than sport-related during official game time and within the boundaries of the sport and its rules.
  • Agrees that no players, parents, coaches, helpers will be used who have any symptoms.
  • Agrees that no player, parent or coach will participate or be on-site for any reason if they do not reside in Northamptonshire.

Visitors (Spectators) Home and Opposition

  • Spectating of games is allowed, you must socially distance, scan our track-trace and limit to only 1 parent/guardian per player as per the Government Tier 4 rules for organised outdoor sports.
  • Spectators, as well as players and coaches, MUST be resident in Northamptonshire only, not from another county as per Tier rules. 
  • Visitors to keep any travel around the site to a minimum and not mix with other areas or teams.
  • Visitors to keep 2 meters apart at all times on-site and where possible remain in cars to help limit exposure.
  • Visitors will not interact with the ball at any times or a player who is not within their household.
  • Visitors agree that if after the event they or anybody within their household who were associated with the event suffer symptoms and/or test positive for COVID-19, they will let their club know, who in turn will inform the opposing club.
  • Visitors agree to only attend if they currently have no symptoms or underlying health conditions which would put them and others at risk.
  • Visitors agree that they and others associated with them attend the site at their own risk.  Higham will take as many measures as possible to limit the risk, however, this is not a full-proof situation and at your own risk.

Higham Town F.C. COVID-19 Risk Assessment (Currently under review)
For a more detailed outline of our COVID controls, please feel free to download our latest COVID-19 Risk Assessment