Higham Town F.C. – Club Statement

As of 31st July 2020

Interim Chairman Statement

As you may be aware, Colin Watts who has been Chairman of Higham Town Football Club for many long years, decided to step down at this year’s AGM leading the way for a new appointment and to focus on his role as a Trustee. As the current vice-chairman, the mantle has been passed to me at an interim level until such point the position becomes official by the committee.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Colin for his exceptional level of service to Higham Town F.C. Colin has been a key asset in shaping the club over many years and is held in high regard across the local area by many. I myself have learnt so much from Colin not just during my service as vice-chairman but all the years prior long before I was involved in the committee. Colin has provided us with a fantastic foundation to build upon and I am sure he will enjoy watching it grow further over the years as one of our Trustee’s.

As your current interim Chairman, I will strive to uphold the quality and principles that Colin has directed with the same level of passion and commitment. I am truly honoured to follow in such footsteps and know I have a very strong and dedicated team of individuals throughout the committee, coaches and volunteers.

We all thank you Colin, we wish you well in your role as a Trustee and look forward to sharing many more moments together whilst this club continues to progress long into the future.

James Sharp
Interim Club Chairman