Higham Town F.C. – Club Statement

As of 27th November 2020

Football’s coming home…. again..

With national lockdown coming to an end next week and the new tier system coming into force, we are delighted to report that grassroots football is allowed to return with no additional restrictions above what was in place prior to the November lockdown.

Currently, we are within Tier 2 so we should remain vigilant, however, currently, no tier levels prevent us from operation. That said, things can be reviewed at any time either nationally, via the FA or league. We should always strive to do our bit and adhere to good COVID prevention practices.

Training can start on the 2nd; we have already confirmed with The Ferrers School that the 3g bookings can proceed on Wednesday as normal. All of which are booked up until the end of March 2021. We will advise in December regarding Christmas Closures. Currently, the ground is in good condition, it has been a challenge to keep it cut due to weather and due to it now being in the winter months we need to be very mindful of how we rotate pitches and use the ground.

Fixtures are ready to go and refs are being appointed to games, please check full-time as the majority of teams have a game during the first weekend of December. The café will be open as usual and hopefully the weather will work out well for us.

With all this in mind, we ask that you reminder your child regarding COVID and the importance of keeping distance when not in-play. Our controls will still be in place as normal, we ask that you do maintain social distance at the club, try not to mix, use the hand sanitisers, and report any non-conformance. If we relax, then we will just be told to stop again and that’s not something we want to see.

This year has been a big challenge, let us see it out with some positive football and hopefully in-turn you can enjoy a good Christmas. We hope you are all safe and well, we thank you for your continued support and look forward to welcoming you all again shortly.

On behalf of the Higham Town F.C. Committee