Club Activities are Suspended

On advice from The FA, Local League and British Government concerning COVID-19
LAST UPDATED 26/03/2020 – 4pm

With the growing concern and preventative actions surrounding the containment of COVID-19, it has been the decision of The Football Association that Grassroot football games will be suspended.   This action has now also come directly from the youth and adult leagues.

Higham Town F.C. takes your safety seriously and will always act on official advice.   We have decided to completely shut down operations so that we can ensure the best possible control measures in line with this guidance.   This will mean that for the time being there will be no training nor any club based activities until further notice.

General rules put in place by Higham Town F.C. as of 9pm 16/03/2020;

  • All games league or friendlies are not permitted (offical games cancelled by the league)
  • NO Training to be undertaken either on or off-site of Lancaster Park.
  • Coaches to stand down with any football activities and/or team social events.
  • Lancaster Park will be closed to players, parents or coaches.  Committee only.

Failure to follow these rules may result in suspension or rejection from the club permanently. 

Common Questions

  • How long will this suspension last?

    Currently we do not know, however we do plan to review our position at the end of April.  Originally we were going to look at all this again at the start of April, but since the 19/03/2020 the FA have extended the general suspension of the Elite leagues until the end of April.   Grassroots will not occur before.

  • What will happen with the league and future fixtures?

    As of the 23/03/2020 it was confirmed by the Football Association that grassroots football will now be concluded for season 2019/2020.   Therefore games will not be back until the new season starts.   As for training, until we get the all clear by the government and the league, our restrictions remain in place.

  • Do i still need to pay monthly subs?

    Obviously as a grassroots club, our revenue for subs is important to keeps us operational.  However, we understand the financial pressures of this current climate and the fact the players will no longer have any training or games until future notice.   Payment of subs will be your own discretion, it is helpful to us but we are happy for them to be suspended.

    Remember, the standing order payment can’t be cancelled by us, you need to do it.   Also, once we are back in operation, they will need to be re-instated and any previous money owed (prior to 16/03/20) will also need to be forfilled.

  • Can the lads go to the park and train?

    Not officially and we do not recommend this at all.   Firstly, no child should be seen to be training in higham attire nor should a coach be involved in any capacity.  This not only invalidates our insurance, it would also put the club at risk of serious sanctions along with coach FA disciplinary.

  • What happens to the club, can you survive?

    The club will continue!, we have a very active committee and we share multiple roles.   We will be keeping in regular contact and we have always run our football club with good financial sense.  This means we have adequate backup funds to continue operation.

  • What about courses?

    If coaches have courses due or certifications which will expire, they will still be validated by the league and FA.  Courses have been suspended by the FA and due to that not being the fault of the coach, they will be honoured.  Only CRB checks are not included, these will continue as normal.

  • How do i raise question or report unofficial training activities.

    We will always do are best to give you all the information you may need, however you may have a question we have not covered.   Incidentally, you may be concerned about a coach who is not following advice and wish to report it.   Do contact us on this subject, please email Carole on

  • Have there been any confirmed cases at the club?

    As of 28/03/2020 we have 1 case (now fully recovered) and 2 cases of symptoms.  For privacy the name of the players and parents are kept confidential however the teams it could effect are contacted.

    If you do have a confirmed case we request you please email our  club secretary Carole on .  Your details will be kept anoymously from the public and only issued to the league or FA if requested.   Generally our duty of care is only when in operation, however we feel its the best course of action to keep a log regardless.

  • What will happen with club events coming up?

    At the moment it is too early to say.  We have our AGM, Club Presentation day and also 9v9 Tournament in the summer.   We will be looking to review the situation in April and then make a decision on these events.   If needed, we will run the AGM via Video Conference (streamed online) along with club presentation to announce awards.  So we will make it happen one way or another.