Club based training videos

Higham Town F.C. Coaching Resources | Last update 21/03/2021

Bringing football to you…

Due to the current restrictions surrounding COVID-19, we have decided to start building up a library of virtual training sessions you can do at home!  These sessions will be published weekly (weather dependant) and will span multiple topics starting with Skills.   All sessions will be designed with limited space in mind and no special equipment requirements.   Our main aim is to get you active, connected to the sport and provide that extra bit of assistance in enhancing your abilities.

Below is our first batch of videos, we are looking to produce a minimum of 4 a week and encourage you to spend 30 minutes a day to practice.  Remember to do some light warm up and stretch before and after you session.

Share your skills!

Dust off that camera, show us your skills based on our videos below!  We will be looking to create a club video of any submissions we receive.

How to send your video 
Please send any videos via WeTransfer website which can be done directly from your phone or laptop to or alternatively you can send directly via WhatsApp on 07428707605.

Fitness & Conditioning

Top Tip: Fitness is the fastest thing to lose and slowest thing to gain back.  Take you time, challenge yourself and when you feel you have had enough, do it one more time!

Fitness Drill 03 (NEW)

Mark Watts 1st Team

Fitness Drill 02 (NEW)

Mark Watts 1st Team

Fitness Drill 01

Mark Watts 1st Team

Skills Training

Top Tip: Start slow! the great thing with videos is we can edit them, this may look simple but there was more than one take!.   The key is to start slow, learn the movement and then as you get more confident, speed it up (within reason).  If you start making mistakes, look to slow things down again.

Side to Side - Attack High (NEW)

Mark Watts 1st Team

Wall Pass & Turn (NEW)

Mark Watts 1st Team

Switch & Fast Dive

Thomas Levick U18

Quick Double Long Dive

Thomas Levick U18

Warm-up Skills Game

Thomas Levick U18

Catch - Ground & Air

Thomas Levick U18

Figure of 8 Challenge

Mark Watts 1st Team

Wall Pass

Mark Watts 1st Team

Tap & Return

Lewis Holmes U18

Side to Side

Lewis Holmes U18

Tap and Roll

Lewis Holmes U18

Sideways Outer Foot

Lewis Holmes U18

Side Taps & Stepover

Lewis Holmes U18

Remember ! check back every week for new video content…